Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Padi Nitrox Course

Dive Downbelow have just installed a new Nitrox station and now offer the Padi Nitrox course and tank rental !!

So over the past 2 days i have been completing the course along with 3 others. The course consists of reading the Enriched Air manual, completing the 2 knowledge reviews and then a final exam (which isn't as bad as it sounds), on the second day we learnt how to analyze the Enriched Air in the tanks and then we went for 2 dives using Enriched Air (Nitrox).

I really enjoyed doing this course and now it's nice to have the option of diving with Enriched Air.

One of the good "perks" with doing this instructor internship is that all additional courses i do are at cost price plus 5%, which really cuts down on the overall price.

Here are a couple of pic's taken through out the day.


1 comment:

Jools said...

Hi James

I would be very interested in doing some courses with Dive Downbelow when is the best time to dive in KK

