Wednesday 1 April 2009

Passed The IE !!!!!!! So Happy !!!!!!!!

I have completed the IE and passed which is such a relief, all the hard work has paid off.

Looking back on it now it was a really great experience, nerve racking at the time but that's what makes it so rewarding in the end. I will never forget the feeling i had just before the results were given out, I was the last one to receive my result and i was so nervous......

But when i finally found out i was so happy it felt like a huge wait had been lifted off my shoulders and now i could enjoy being a new instructor.

Here are a few pictures. The first one is of use underwater doing a few skills. The second one is us with George (the instructor examiner). Also in the picture is Richard, Joanne and Evelyn this was taken just after we found out our results. I would just like to say a special thank you to them for the help they gave us during our IDC. THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last picture is our celebration at the end of it all, There will be a few sore heads in the morning............

Thursday 26 March 2009

IDC Update !!

Just thought I would update on my progress, I'm about half way through the IDC course now and it is all going well but still a bit nervous as the IE gets closer.

The IE is at the end of the course and stands for Instructor Examination. You get assessed over 2 days, the first day is the theory exams and presentation and the second day is an assessment in the water. This is all done my someone from PADI who will fly in for the 2 days. So I better keep up the hard work !!!!!!

For the past 2 days we have been on the island practicing in the water, which gave us a break from the class room.

Here is a picture of Richard with all of us doing the IDC from Downbelow. Next time I update I should have done the IE so fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish us luck............................

Friday 20 March 2009

Starting the IDC.

I have just started the IDC, So far So good it is hard work but also fun at the same time and I'm sure it will all be worth it if I pass at the end. (fingers crossed)

So far we have done a few class room sessions but we will be on the Island in a few days to practice some in water skills.

I am enjoying this course just a bit nervous about the end result but we will see, i will just have to keep working hard.

I will update again soon with my progress.

Here is a picture of us in the class room studying hard.....

Monday 5 January 2009

Night Dive

Here is a picture from the night dive we did last week. It was really good fun and we went looking for mandarin fish. These fish are rare and hard to find but luckily we managed to find them.

Here is a picture taken by Richard of some mandarin fish.
Update soon.

Monday 15 December 2008

Good Practice

Here is a picture of me and Tanja with two guests who completed the Discover Suba Diving Program.

Tanja has just started the instructor internship, so she came along to learn about teaching DSD's.

I think teaching DSD's is a really good way to gain experience and I have learnt alot from doing them. It is also good practice for demonstrating underwater skills which will benefit me when it comes to teaching openwater courses.

Will update again soon,

Sunday 14 December 2008

A Few Pictures

Just a quick post as I am helping to organise activities for Christmas day on the island.
(should be fun)!!!!!

Here are a few pictures from the past couple of days diving..

Update soon.

Sunday 7 December 2008

Mount Kinabalu

Since my last post I have climbed half way up Mount Kinabalu. We were unable to go to the summit because the accommodation at the base camp was fully booked, so next time.

The half way point is called Layang-Layang and it is a 4 km climb from the bottom. Then you have to walk 4 km back again. 4 km doesn't sound like a long way but its so steep it feels like double that.

It was a tough climb even to half way but its the best thing I have done so far here in Borneo. The weather was really kind to us as it didn't rain, but you can feel that is gets much colder the further up you go.

Coming back down is just a hard as going up but also alot of fun. I really hope I get another chance to go again and then go to the summit.
Here are a few pics from the climb.